Open-E DSS V7 as a Software for Cloud Storage

Open-E Data Storage Software V7 is being increasingly used as the go-to software for cloud storage. This is one of the many purposes our software can be used for. Cloud storage is now very popular as an alternative to having an additional backup service. What are the benefits of using cloud storage?




What is cloud storage?

Cloud storage is an alternative way of storing data, where the data belonging to a company or organization are not stored on-site (in data centers or individual servers), but on a number of virtual servers. These servers are hosted by companies that lease or sell their storage space to companies that do not have data centers of their own.

Cloud storage is very popular as an alternative to having an additional backup service. In case of data loss or problems with access to the data, the data can always be accessed in the cloud.

Cloud storage

What are the benefits of using it?

Cloud storage is an easy way to gain storage capacity without investing large sums of money on building and maintaining storage facilities. The data center is not physically situated on the premises of the company, but storage capacity is available to them virtually, via web applications, in the same way as if the servers were in their building.

How much does it cost to use cloud storage?

Cloud storage solutions are very attractive for small and medium size enterprises because the storage costs of even large amounts of data are much lower than conventional data storage systems.

Subscribers to these services pay only for the storage capacity that they use and do not need to be concerned about hardware installation, technical problems, or data center maintenance.

The reasons mentioned above are the most prominent advantages of cloud storage since they clearly reduce IT and server costs. Also, the customer does not have to invest in additional security systems, fire systems, or special anti-virus software to protect the data center. Because access to data stored in the cloud relies on access to a network, companies using this type of storage depend on web applications and IT connections. However, more and more companies are offering services based on cloud storage and it is possible to rely on private as well as public hosting.

What else should I know about it?

Storage software is an essential component of cloud storage because it increases efficiency, high data availability, and security. Open-E Software provides superior performance, security and scalability at a fraction of the cost of alternative storage offerings.

If you are thinking about provisioning cloud storage services, you should try using Open-E DSS V7 as the software for cloud storage. You can download a free trial version of our software and check out all the features or buy the full version of Open-E Data Storage Software V7 at an affordable price.

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